Along with the images of the Guardian Angel & the Virgin of Guadalupe, many homes in my barrio had this one:
That of John F. Kennedy.
Why? Because he symbolized the supernatural values of hope and justice.
I hear so much and from so many how President Obama has dismissed the Latino and other unheard voices calling for justice.
Why, for example, does he, his administration, keep deporting the parents of kids, destroying families? Why doesn't he explore buying oil from Mexico, not just Canada, to help her economy? Why doesn't he instill a sense of urgency in stopping U.S. guns and weapons from flowing into Mexico? Why doesn't he stop the money laundering taking place in the U.S. that is also helping fuel the drug wars? Why doesn't he stop the demand for illegal drugs here in the U.S. ...? Why?...Why?...Why?
He'd probably respond, I'm not a King, who can make laws...I need to work with Congress, as he's said before. But he could've done a lot more at the start of his administration. And now he could at least show and act with a sense of urgency as regards the values of justice and hope by, for example, working in partnership with Mexico to solve the violence and drug issues that the U.S. is enabling and partly responsible for, instead of sitting silently by, allowing the anti-Latino and anti-Mexico drum beat to continue. A drum beat that is robbing many of hope, and beat by beat weakening and destroying families and communities and more.
Without hope, there is despair: This is why Obama is no Jack Kennedy.
Please let me know about your comments or questions at, or by posting a comment here.
Take Care & Buen Camino,
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